DESIGN AND CONTROL SURVEYING FOR EXACTO PROJECTS & POWERLINK Renewables are Australia’s future. However, our energy system needs vital modifications to effectively harness it. Large-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS) make our network more secure and...
PRECISION SURVEYING FOR FDC & CHARTER HALL Space is a premium in the heart of Australia’s bustling cities. Thanks to sky-high land costs and spatial demands, central urban locations have long been financially unviable for traditional warehousing. FDC Construction...
GNSS MONITORING FOR A LEADING COAL SEAM GAS COMPANY Automated monitoring of assets is a game-changer in the resources and energy sectors. Compared to conventional manual surveying techniques, automated GNSS monitoring can save substantial costs and reduce processing...
COMPREHENSIVE LAND DEVELOPMENT FOR FITZPATRICK INVESTMENTS Smart land development is essential to support expanding businesses across Australia. Every developer needs a reliable and adaptable partner – proficient in surveying, subdivision and construction – to ensure...
DELIVERING SUPERIOR 3D DATA FOR OUR CLIENTS Being able to effectively manage, visualise, and analyse massive 3D datasets is essential for surveyors today. SEAM Spatial has a long history in reality capture. We’ve delivered on projects from entire process plant scans...